Thursday, August 21, 2008

Vote for Timbaland!

Last year voted Timbaland their "Man Of The Week" and later that year Timbo was also voted the 3rd most Top 49 Men of the Year. This year, are asking you to vote for the 2008 49 Most Influencial Men and our man Timmy T is in the running again. The instructions for voting couldn't be an easier:

1. Go to's voting website
2. Find Timbaland's name and picture
3. Click "Vote"
4. Decide from 0 to 100 how Timbo has influenced
A. HOW YOU BEHAVE – The way you dress or talk or the type of music you listen to
B. HOW YOU BUY – The music you purchase or the concerts you attend (100!!)
C. HOW YOU THINK – Through the lyrics they sing or causes they endorse

So take a few minutes, get on over to, and vote for Timbaland!!

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